Wednesday, February 20, 2008

If I were stranded on a deserted island with only a "ghetto blaster" I would just want a bunch of tunes to jam out to because hey if your stranded ya' might as well have something to groove to ya know! The first tape I would want would defiantly have to be a Jimmy Buffet tape. I say this because it would just feel right to have some island blues to sing along with while on a beach, it would be an all but perfect situation. For my next tape I'd have to go with some good old Eagles tunes. Listen to the Eagles puts my mind in a good place, one where I can just kick back sing along and forget about my worries while singing to them, kind of like therapy I guess. Then next set of tracks I would have with me is some of those classic John "Cougar" Mellencamp hits. Having some of those classics to listen to would take me back a few years and put a smile on my face, bcause for the most part his songs are about being young and having a little bit of innocent fun. Another tape I would have to go with would be one of Kenny Chseney's. Again along the lines of looking back at life and being able to just have a grin on your face thinking about all the good times. And another reason is because he mixes country along with island/reggae music all while having a good time. The last cassette would have to be one of Alan Jackson's. All his music seems to him home with me quite literally. From the song "Chattahoochee" to "Summertime blues" because all his songs seems to be about what it's like to live in a rural area experiencing life and whenever I hear his songs they take me back.

Jimmy Buffet

The Eagles

John "Cougar" Mellencamp

Kenny Chesney

Alan Jackson

Sunday, February 17, 2008

Team Hoyt

I was recently watching videos on youtube, jumping from one thought to the next and then when I got done watching a video on Lance Armstrong I saw a video that caught my eye for no one reason in particular, so I clicked on it. While watching it my emotions ran high, I felt inspired, driven and moved. In 4 short minutes my mind went from thinking about myself and all the things going on in my life to being selfless and thinking about others and how good I really have it. The video I have below is the video I watched. While watching this video I thought of many things, among them is what one person can do with a life, how you can make things better for others, and what you can achieve when willing to do so. In the video Rick and father Dick Hoyt, otherwise known as team Hoyt, compete in marathons, triathlons and even iron man competitions. Rick was born with cerebral palsy and the doctors told Dick and his wife to put Rick in an institution, but they didn't listen. When Rick was about 12 he asked his dad if he would push him in a five mile race for charity, even though Dick wasn't a runner he agreed. After the race that night Rick told his dad that when he was out there it made him feel like he wasn't disabled, since then they have competed in 942 events, including 216 Triathlons (6 of which were Ironman competitions), 20 Duathlons, and 65 Marathons, including 25 consecutive Boston Marathons. They also biked and ran across the USA in 1992, a 3,735 mile journey that took them 45 days. They are an inspiration to everyone everywhere. This video makes me believe in myself and others as well. It showed me that even when everyone else around you is telling you to do otherwise to follow no one and just believe in yourself. Watch the video an you to will believe.

"you can"- Team Hoyt