"Good writers are good readers. They read often and from a wide variety of sources. As they read, or after they finish a selection, they note down interesting passages or write a response to the reading in a journal. Good writers pay attention to the author's style and note the techniques the author uses to make his or her points." - Robert Atwan
I choose this quote because I feel it is very true and also relates to me through past expierences. I believe that a good writer is well rounded in the art of litature. What I mean by this is that a writer, espically a good one would pay attention to the slightest details when it comes to reading, for example they would note how a sports columnist builds up the atmosphere of a big game and how he delivers the result. In my mind a good writer never turns off his talent or passion for litature itself, even when reading the sunday paper he or she would find themself breaking down and analyzing every column and article. This bids true for me when I read in my spare time, I find myself writing certain things down in a note book, for example when I read Angels and Demons by Dan Brown everytime the book took a twist or turn I wrote it down and this helped me fully understand the authors style of writing and how he builds up the storyline throughout the novel. This would make me believe that a good writer would practice these techniques more often, but I think that it would almost be automatic, that they wouldn't realize what they are doin, that it would be second nature to them. I also think that how a good writer becomes one is through reading, because without reading a variety of material they wouln't develop key techniques that other good writers that came before used and practiced.