Your will must be stronger than your skill. I found this sentence very true to myself. To understand that I must explain to you that in life I've always been the underdog, therefore I had to be mentaly tougher than anyone and everyone else, mainly this pertains to sports but that also bleeds into my life because sports have shaped who I am as a person. Growing to be only 5'8 hasn't helped my cause in sports. I wasn't born with much natural tallent, so all that I have accomplished I have earned, nothing has been givin to me, I have had to take it. Throughout high school I played four different sports, and everyday at every practice I gave my all. I had to work twice as hard to get half the results as most others. Dont get me wrong over the years I have molded myself into a fairly deicent athlete but this hasn't been easy, it has came with great sacrifice. Instead of relaxing on a saturday afternoon planing that nights activities, you would find me in the gym practicing my shot, or on the road running yet another mile. I eat healthy, I don't drink pop, I've never had a drop of alchol, not because I don't nessisarly want to, because sometimes I'm tempted, but because I can't in order to give myself a shot at achieving the goals I have set for myself. This gives me great a great sense of satisfaction at the end of the day knowing I have done everything in my power to make myself better.,