I had always viewed anything that I had to do for school as work. Before college I really didn't have that many options as to what classes I wanted to take, so having a predominately predetermined class schedule I usually wasn't too excited to be in certain classes so therefore whenever I was assigned homework it didn't interest me, I was just going through the motions. Although the work was easier than college it wasn't very exiting. Now being in college and for the most part being able to take whichever class you want to gives me a sense of freedom when it comes to class work, or rather a breath of fresh air. The homework I get assigned now is that of a class I selected and if I picked that class it's most likely a subject that I'm interested in so therefore I really can't complain all too much. When I sit down to do the work now I don’t really look at the work as if it were manual labor, rather as an opportunity to explore and learn about something I'm interested in. So now than I'm in college I look at class work or homework with a sense of individualization unlike in high school where the work gives you more of a general feel for education when compared to the in depth view and analysis of a college course. So now when I look at the big picture I have ultimately came to the conclusion that I have to more than just pass the next test or study a subject but rather have to be consumed by the work and fully know and understand all of the material I'm being fed so I can be successful in the days that lie ahead.
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